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9.1 Transport Enums


    public enum TrSvcTransportTool : int
        SelectAnItem = 999,
        All = 0,
        InHouse = 1,
        MuleSoft = 2,
        //Thru = 3,
        None = 4,
	 Boomi = 5

    public enum TrSvcTransportStatus : int
        None = -1,
        SelectAnItem = 999,
        All = 0,
        Active = 1,
        Disabled = 2

    public enum TrSvcTransportType : int
        None = -1,
        SelectAnItem = 999,
        All = 0,
        PrivateExchange = 1,
        Broadcast = 2,
        Feed = 3,
        Push = 4,
        OneToMany = 5,
        ManyToOne = 6



    public enum TrSvcTransportAccessType : int
        None = -1,
        SelectAnItem = 999,
        All = 0,
        Unassigned = 99,
        API = 1,
        SFTP = 2,
        FTPS = 3

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