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7.1 Organization Endpoint Enums



    public enum TrSvcEndpointType : int
        None = -1,
        All = 0,
        SFTPClient = 1,
        SFTPServer = 2,
        Mail = 3,
        FTPSClient = 4,
        FTPSServer = 5,
        S3 = 6,
        User = 7,
        TransportClient = 8,
        FTPClient = 9,
        FTPServer = 10,
        AS2 = 11

    public enum TrSvcEndpointStatus : int
        None = -1,
        All = 0,
        Processing = 1,
        Stopped = 2

    public enum TrSvcAreaArchiveEndpointType : int
        None = -1, 
        All = 0,
        SFTPServer = 1,
        FTPSServer = 2,
        S3 = 3

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