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14.1 File Delivery Enums


    public enum TrSvcFileDeliveryType : int
        None = -1,
        All = 0,
        DeliveryPush = 1,
        DeliveryPullPreparation = 2, // Make file available for pull by clients
        // DeliveryPullPreparationNoReceipt = 1002,
        // DeliveryPullPreparationWithReceipt = 2002,
        DeliveryPullReceipt = 3, // Wait for first download
        DeliveryMail = 4, // Send mail with file link
        AS2Delivery = 5,
        LanToLanDelivery = 6,
        UserSiteDownload = 7,
        FileLinkDownload = 8

    public enum TrSvcFileDeliveryStatus : int
        None = -1,
        All = 0,
        Pending = 1,
        InProgress = 2,
        Completed = 3,
        Canceled = 4,
        GiveUp = 5,
        PendingRetry = 6,
        Failed = 7

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