12.2 Alert Service Data
public class TrSvcAlertInfo
public long TrSvcAlertId;
public TrSvcOrganizationReferenceInfo Organization;
public TrSvcTransportReferenceInfo Tansport;
public TrSvcFileReferenceInfo File;
public TrSvcOrganizationEndpointInstanceReferenceInfo
public int TrSvcAreaArchiveEndpointId;
public string AreaArchiveEndpointName;
public TrSvcAreaArchiveEndpointType AreaArchiveEndpointType;
public TrSvcAlertType AlertType;
public string AlertTypeDisplay;
public TrSvcAlertSeverity AlertSeverity;
public string AlertSeverityDisplay;
public TrSvcAlertStatus AlertStatus;
public string AlertStatusDisplay;
public int RetryCount;
public DateTime? DateLastRetry;
public DateTime? DateRecovered;
public DateTime? DateIgnored;
public DateTime? DateGiveUp;
public DateTime? DateNoLongerPending;
public string AlertMessage;
public string AlertDetail;
public DateTime DateCreated;
public string Note;
public DateTime? StatusDate;
public TrSvcAlertInfo()
Alert list can be retrieved by search filter and pagination.
Max page size is 100 records.
public class TrSvcAlertListInfo
public List<TrSvcAlertInfo> Alerts;
public TrSvcAlertListInfo()
Alerts = new List<TrSvcAlertInfo>();
Total alert count can be retrieved for given search filter.
public class TrSvcAlertSearchInfo
public TrSvcAlertType AlertType;
public TrSvcAlertSeverity AlertSeverity;
public TrSvcAlertStatus AlertStatus;
public string TransportCode;
public TrSvcFlowTool FlowTool;
public string OrganizationCode;
public string OrganizationExternalCode;
public string OrganizationEndpointCode;
public TrSvcEndpointDirection EndpointDirection;
public TrSvcOrganizationType OrganizationType;
public int TrSvcAreaArchiveEndpointId;
public DateTime? DateCreatedStart;
public DateTime? DateCreatedEnd;
Alert list filter and pagination.
public class TrSvcAlertSearchPaginationInfo
public int PageNumber;
public int PageSize;
public TrSvcAlertSearchInfo Search;
public TrSvcAlertSearchPaginationInfo()
Search = new TrSvcAlertSearchInfo();