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1.2 Service Data Properties for Create and Update Services

When you prepare service data for create and update services, you only need to set properties marked with the comment // Create, Update.

Other properties will be ignored.

For example: Here is the organization structure with Create update comments.

 public class TrSvcOrganizationInfo


        public TrSvcRecordInfo RecordInfo;

        public TrSvcOrganizationType OrganizationType; // Create, Update

        public string OrganizationTypeDisplay;

        public TrSvcOrganizationStatus OrganizationStatus;

        public string OrganizationStatusDisplay;

        public string OrganizationName; // Create, Update

        public string OrganizationCode;

        public string OrganizationExternalCode; // Create, Update

        public string ContactName; // Create, Update

        public string ContactEmail; // Create, Update

        public string TransportClientPullSourceOrgSubFolderName; // Update

        public string OrganizationSinceMMYYYY; // Create, Update

        public string DelimitedTransports;

        public bool IsOrganizationPendingAlerts;

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